Play Therapy & Neurofeedback

Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Therapy with Cognitive-Behavioral (Play Therapy) in Improving Attention and Cognitive Function in Children with Learning Disorder in Primary School
A sample of 60 LD children who were identified in schools was selected by multistage cluster random sampling and randomly divided into three experimental groups and one control group.
NFB training was done according to Monastra etal. (2005) and play therapy cognitive performance and attention therapy were based on Drewes (2009) in 20 sessions while no intervention was performed in the control group.
The results showed that NFB and play therapy were effective in increasing cognitive performance (p<0.01) and attention
(p<0.01) compared to the control group. The combination of play therapy and NFB intervention was more effective on
cognitive performance and attention rather than the two interventions separately.
*photo courtesy of Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy