CLA Insight Spinal Scanner

Analyzing conditions more accurately using three different hardware technologies.


Spinal Scanner

The Space Foundation certified CLA INSiGHT Scans establishes a reliable and scientifically valid representation of the person’s nervous system and health- something never before possible.

This is significant on many levels. It enables us to analyze a person’s condition more accurately, communicate findings more effectively, while allowing Dr. Waterson and the patient to track the effectiveness of their care here at Synapse Brain & Spine Center. 

The CLA Insight uses three different hardware technologies. 

Thermal Scan

The Thermal Scanner will measure the temperature on each side of your spine. Your skin temperature is controlled by the autonomic nervous system which is that part of the nervous system that you don’t have to think about. Such as heart rate, breathing, all organ function, and much more. Studies at Johns Hopkins University show that the body temperature on the left and right sides of your spine should be the same. A difference of body temperature on the right or left sides of your spine indicates stress on your autonomic nerves (Subluxation). The test enables us to determine what organs may be affected and the severity of the stress.

Surface EMG

To remain upright and move effectively, costs the body huge percentages of their neuromuscular energy, which in turn drains the body’s energetic reserves.   Surface EMG is the ideal strategy for measuring the combined outcomes of postural and neuromuscular exhaustion. 

The best way to begin to visualize this wasted energy, distorted signal distribution and exhaustion is by viewing the EMG pattern graph. The graph shows black lines on both the right and left sides of the spine. In a well-adjusted patient, these should be relatively symmetrical and should have consistent amplitude, meaning they should track as close to the white boundary line as possible. Green, blue and red boundaries are also there as guides to see where the energy is flowing out of the normal ranges, identifying dysponetic and potentially subluxated spinal regions. A yellow or hypotonic boundary also exists. It is particularly concerning to see these flattened line areas as they typically indicate a perpetually exhausted response. 

Heart Rate Variability

The Heart Rate Variability technology displays how the rate and rhythm of the beating heart reacts to stress. A highly regarded test that measures adaptability is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Healthy people, with a fully charged and well-balanced nervous system, easily adapt to those stresses. Their Parasympathetic Nervous System promotes “rest and recovery” and actively controls the “fight and flight” Sympathetic response. Well-adjusted people with healthy lifestyles have their “white dot” in the green, Zone 5.

Measuring the balance and activity within the Autonomic Nervous System is the job of the HRV (neuropulse) unit. It calculates the inter-beat intervals of a resting heart and produces a metric known as HRV. Where a patient plots on the HRV graph represents how much reserve that patient has to adapt to daily and eventful stressors. On the HRV graph, you will notice a green zone. This is the desirable area to score within because it represents where well-adjusted patients typically plot. This is the desirable balanced and activity within the autonomic nervous system for everyone to strive to achieve.